WGOYT Games By Category: Miniatures
The following 163 games have appeared on the WGOYT and are listed under the Category 'Miniatures'.
1871: More Grand Tactical Rules for the Franco-Prussian War (2017) (2 uniques)
878: Vikings – Invasions of England (2017) (12 uniques)
Across Four Oceans (2011) (2 uniques)
Adrenaline (2016) (1 uniques)
Advanced Squad Leader (1985) (4 uniques)
Airfix Battles (2016) (2 uniques)
Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps (2020) (3 uniques)
Amirauté (1979) (1 uniques)
Angel Fury (2021) (1 uniques)
Armati II (2004) (1 uniques)
Armour and Infantry (1973) (1 uniques)
Attack Vector: Tactical (2004) (1 uniques)
Attack! (2003) (1 uniques)
Avertigos: South China Sky (2018) (2 uniques)
Axis & Allies Air Force Miniatures: Angels 20 (2012) (2 uniques)
Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures: War at Sea (2007) (3 uniques)
Battle Arena Show (2016) (1 uniques)
Battle Masters (1992) (1 uniques)
Battle of Britain (1990) (2 uniques)
The Battle of Five Armies (2014) (4 uniques)
The Battle of Five Armies (2005) (1 uniques)
Battle of the Atlantic (1942) (2007) (1 uniques)
Battle of the Somme (2019) (1 uniques)
BattleLore (2006) (6 uniques)
BattleLore (Second Edition) (2013) (6 uniques)
Battles of Napoleon: The Eagle and the Lion (2010) (1 uniques)
Battles of Westeros (2010) (2 uniques)
BattleTech (1985) (4 uniques)
Battletech Introductory Box Set (2002) (3 uniques)
BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat (2019) (1 uniques)
Birds of Prey: Air Combat in the Jet Age (2008) (9 uniques)
Bismarck (second edition) (1978) (3 uniques)
Black Cross/Blue Sky (2010) (2 uniques)
Black Powder: Waterloo (2016) (2 uniques)
Blitzkrieg Commander (2004) (1 uniques)
Blood & Crowns (2024) (1 uniques)
Blood Bowl (2016 edition) (2016) (1 uniques)
Bloody Big Battles! (2014) (2 uniques)
Bolt Action (2012) (4 uniques)
A Bridge Too Far: Operation Market Garden (2010) (3 uniques)
British Vs Pirates: Volume 1 (0) (1 uniques)
Canvas Eagles (1999) (1 uniques)
Car Wars (1981) (1 uniques)
Carrier Strike! (1977) (3 uniques)
CAV: Combat Assault Vehicle (2001) (1 uniques)
Cavalry (0) (1 uniques)
Chain Of Command (2013) (1 uniques)
Check Your 6! (2007) (2 uniques)
Check Your 6! Jet Age (2010) (2 uniques)
Clash of Empires (1984) (1 uniques)
Command at Sea: 4th Edition – War at Sea 1926-1955 (2008) (2 uniques)
Commander-In-Chief (2011) (1 uniques)
Company of Heroes (2021) (1 uniques)
Crimson Skies (1998) (1 uniques)
CrossFire: Rules & Organizations for Company Level WW2 Gaming (1996) (1 uniques)
Cruel Seas: Starter Set (2018) (2 uniques)
Cyclades (2009) (2 uniques)
Day of the Dreadnoughts (2005) (1 uniques)
De Bellis Antiquitatis (1990) (6 uniques)
Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader (2019) (1 uniques)
Dirtside II (1993) (1 uniques)
Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers (2003) (1 uniques)
Duel of the Giants: Eastern Front (2010) (1 uniques)
Dune: War for Arrakis (2023) (2 uniques)
Dust (2007) (1 uniques)
Dust Tactics (2010) (1 uniques)
Dust Warfare: Core Rulebook (2012) (1 uniques)
Firestorm Armada (2009) (1 uniques)
Flames of War Firestorm Campaign: Operation Bagration (2008) (1 uniques)
Flames of War: Firestorm - Warsaw: The Campaign for Warsaw (2010) (3 uniques)
Flames of War: The World War II Miniatures Game (2002) (2 uniques)
Forge of War (2008) (1 uniques)
Game of Drones (2024) (1 uniques)
The Games of War: A Treasury of Rules for Battles with Toy Soldiers, Ships and Planes (2007) (2 uniques)
Gears of War: The Board Game (2011) (3 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Gemstone (1992) (1 uniques)
Gettysburg: The Wheatfield (2011) (1 uniques)
A Glorious Chance: The Naval Struggle for Lake Ontario, 1813 (2021) (3 uniques)
Golem Arcana (2014) (1 uniques)
The Great War (2015) (5 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Gundam Collection Tactical Combat (2005) (1 uniques)
Heroscape Master Set: Battle for the Underdark (2010) (1 uniques)
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004) (1 uniques)
Hordes (2006) (1 uniques)
Horus Heresy (2010) (4 uniques)
I Ain't Been Shot, Mum (2002) (1 uniques)
Incursion (2009) (1 uniques)
Infinity (2005) (1 uniques)
Jutland (1967) (1 uniques)
Kemet (2012) (2 uniques)
Kings of War (2012) (1 uniques)
Level 7 [Omega Protocol] (2013) (2 uniques)
Lost Patrol (2000) (1 uniques)
Marvel: Crisis Protocol (2019) (1 uniques)
Maurice: War in an Age of Gentlemen and Philosophers – 1690-1790 (2012) (1 uniques)
Memoir '44 (2004) (89 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Mordheim: City of the Damned (1999) (1 uniques)
Napoleon in Europe (2001) (1 uniques)
Naval Thunder: Battleship Row (2009) (5 uniques)
Naval War of 1812 (2012) (2 uniques)
Piquet: Master Rules for Wargaming (1995) (1 uniques)
Rebels and Patriots: Wargaming Rules for North America (2019) (1 uniques)
Regimente of Foote (2004) (1 uniques)
Rising Sun (2018) (1 uniques)
Rivet Wars: Eastern Front (2013) (1 uniques)
The Rules With No Name (0) (1 uniques)
Saga (2011) (1 uniques)
Saganami Island Tactical Simulator (2005) (3 uniques)
Sails of Glory (2013) (3 uniques)
Samurai Battles (2012) (1 uniques)
Sergeants Miniatures Game: Day of Days (2011) (7 uniques)
Seven Days to the River Rhine (2019) (1 uniques)
Ships of the Line: Trafalgar 1805 (2016) (1 uniques)
Silent Death: The Next Millennium Deluxe Edition (1995) (2 uniques) Thumbs Up!
A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game – Stark vs Lannister Starter Set (2018) (2 uniques)
Space Hulk (third edition) (2009) (1 uniques)
Spearhead (1995) (2 uniques)
Squadron Strike (2008) (2 uniques)
Squadron Strike: Traveller (2018) (1 uniques)
Star Trek: Ascendancy (2016) (1 uniques)
Star Trek: Attack Wing (2013) (5 uniques)
Star Trek: Fleet Captains (2011) (2 uniques)
Star Wars: Armada (2015) (6 uniques)
Star Wars: Epic Duels (2002) (1 uniques)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014) (2 uniques)
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016) (12 uniques)
Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit (2000) (7 uniques)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) (4 uniques)
Starmada: The Admiralty Edition (2009) (2 uniques)
The Sword and the Flame (1979) (1 uniques)
Tanks: Panther vs Sherman (2016) (1 uniques)
Tide of Iron (2007) (23 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Tide of Iron: Next Wave (2014) (1 uniques)
Time of Legends: Joan of Arc (2019) (3 uniques)
Tora! Tora! Tora! (2005) (1 uniques)
Trafalgar (1973) (1 uniques)
Triumph! Rules for Tabletop Battles Ancient and Medieval (2016) (1 uniques)
UBOOT: The Board Game (2019) (4 uniques)
Viktory (2005) (1 uniques)
Volley & Bayonet (1994) (1 uniques)
War and Peace (2012) (3 uniques)
War of Kings (2014) (1 uniques)
War of the Ring (first edition) (2004) (10 uniques)
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012) (42 uniques) Thumbs Up!
War of the Ring Collector's Edition (2010) (2 uniques)
War Stories: Red Storm (2014) (1 uniques)
Warfleets: FTL (2021) (1 uniques)
Warhammer (1983) (1 uniques)
Warhammer 40,000 (fifth edition) (2008) (11 uniques)
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (2018) (1 uniques)
Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave (2019) (1 uniques)
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Storm of Sigmar (2016) (1 uniques)
Warlord (2004) (1 uniques)
Warmachine Prime Mk II (2010) (2 uniques)
Warmaster (2000) (1 uniques)
Wilderness Wars (2004) (1 uniques)
Wings of Glory: WW1 Duel Pack (2013) (3 uniques)
Wings of Glory: WW1 Rules and Accessories Pack (2012) (7 uniques)
Wings of Glory: WW1 Special Packs (2012) (2 uniques)
Wings of Glory: WW2 Battle of Britain Starter Set (2017) (1 uniques)
Wings of War: Deluxe Set (2007) (1 uniques)
Wings of War: WW2 Deluxe set (2009) (1 uniques)
World War III: Team Yankee (2019) (1 uniques)
By Unique Entry Count
89 - Memoir '44 (2004) Thumbs Up!
42 - War of the Ring (second edition) (2012) Thumbs Up!
23 - Tide of Iron (2007) Thumbs Up!
12 - 878: Vikings – Invasions of England (2017)
12 - Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
11 - Warhammer 40,000 (fifth edition) (2008)
10 - War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)
9 - Birds of Prey: Air Combat in the Jet Age (2008)
7 - Sergeants Miniatures Game: Day of Days (2011)
7 - Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit (2000)
7 - Wings of Glory: WW1 Rules and Accessories Pack (2012)
6 - BattleLore (2006)
6 - BattleLore (Second Edition) (2013)
6 - De Bellis Antiquitatis (1990)
6 - Star Wars: Armada (2015)
5 - The Great War (2015) Thumbs Up!
5 - Naval Thunder: Battleship Row (2009)
5 - Star Trek: Attack Wing (2013)
4 - Advanced Squad Leader (1985)
4 - The Battle of Five Armies (2014)
4 - BattleTech (1985)
4 - Bolt Action (2012)
4 - Horus Heresy (2010)
4 - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
4 - UBOOT: The Board Game (2019)
3 - Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps (2020)
3 - Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures: War at Sea (2007)
3 - Battletech Introductory Box Set (2002)
3 - Bismarck (second edition) (1978)
3 - A Bridge Too Far: Operation Market Garden (2010)
3 - Carrier Strike! (1977)
3 - Flames of War: Firestorm - Warsaw: The Campaign for Warsaw (2010)
3 - Gears of War: The Board Game (2011) Thumbs Up!
3 - A Glorious Chance: The Naval Struggle for Lake Ontario, 1813 (2021)
3 - Saganami Island Tactical Simulator (2005)
3 - Sails of Glory (2013)
3 - Time of Legends: Joan of Arc (2019)
3 - War and Peace (2012)
3 - Wings of Glory: WW1 Duel Pack (2013)
2 - 1871: More Grand Tactical Rules for the Franco-Prussian War (2017)
2 - Across Four Oceans (2011)
2 - Airfix Battles (2016)
2 - Avertigos: South China Sky (2018)
2 - Axis & Allies Air Force Miniatures: Angels 20 (2012)
2 - Battle of Britain (1990)
2 - Battles of Westeros (2010)
2 - Black Cross/Blue Sky (2010)
2 - Black Powder: Waterloo (2016)
2 - Bloody Big Battles! (2014)
2 - Check Your 6! (2007)
2 - Check Your 6! Jet Age (2010)
2 - Command at Sea: 4th Edition – War at Sea 1926-1955 (2008)
2 - Cruel Seas: Starter Set (2018)
2 - Cyclades (2009)
2 - Dune: War for Arrakis (2023)
2 - Flames of War: The World War II Miniatures Game (2002)
2 - The Games of War: A Treasury of Rules for Battles with Toy Soldiers, Ships and Planes (2007)
2 - Kemet (2012)
2 - Level 7 [Omega Protocol] (2013)
2 - Naval War of 1812 (2012)
2 - Silent Death: The Next Millennium Deluxe Edition (1995) Thumbs Up!
2 - A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game – Stark vs Lannister Starter Set (2018)
2 - Spearhead (1995)
2 - Squadron Strike (2008)
2 - Star Trek: Fleet Captains (2011)
2 - Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
2 - Starmada: The Admiralty Edition (2009)
2 - War of the Ring Collector's Edition (2010)
2 - Warmachine Prime Mk II (2010)
2 - Wings of Glory: WW1 Special Packs (2012)
1 - Adrenaline (2016)
1 - Amirauté (1979)
1 - Angel Fury (2021)
1 - Armati II (2004)
1 - Armour and Infantry (1973)
1 - Attack Vector: Tactical (2004)
1 - Attack! (2003)
1 - Battle Arena Show (2016)
1 - Battle Masters (1992)
1 - The Battle of Five Armies (2005)
1 - Battle of the Atlantic (1942) (2007)
1 - Battle of the Somme (2019)
1 - Battles of Napoleon: The Eagle and the Lion (2010)
1 - BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat (2019)
1 - Blitzkrieg Commander (2004)
1 - Blood & Crowns (2024)
1 - Blood Bowl (2016 edition) (2016)
1 - British Vs Pirates: Volume 1 (0)
1 - Canvas Eagles (1999)
1 - Car Wars (1981)
1 - CAV: Combat Assault Vehicle (2001)
1 - Cavalry (0)
1 - Chain Of Command (2013)
1 - Clash of Empires (1984)
1 - Commander-In-Chief (2011)
1 - Company of Heroes (2021)
1 - Crimson Skies (1998)
1 - CrossFire: Rules & Organizations for Company Level WW2 Gaming (1996)
1 - Day of the Dreadnoughts (2005)
1 - Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader (2019)
1 - Dirtside II (1993)
1 - Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers (2003)
1 - Duel of the Giants: Eastern Front (2010)
1 - Dust (2007)
1 - Dust Tactics (2010)
1 - Dust Warfare: Core Rulebook (2012)
1 - Firestorm Armada (2009)
1 - Flames of War Firestorm Campaign: Operation Bagration (2008)
1 - Forge of War (2008)
1 - Game of Drones (2024)
1 - Gemstone (1992)
1 - Gettysburg: The Wheatfield (2011)
1 - Golem Arcana (2014)
1 - Gundam Collection Tactical Combat (2005)
1 - Heroscape Master Set: Battle for the Underdark (2010)
1 - Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004)
1 - Hordes (2006)
1 - I Ain't Been Shot, Mum (2002)
1 - Incursion (2009)
1 - Infinity (2005)
1 - Jutland (1967)
1 - Kings of War (2012)
1 - Lost Patrol (2000)
1 - Marvel: Crisis Protocol (2019)
1 - Maurice: War in an Age of Gentlemen and Philosophers – 1690-1790 (2012)
1 - Mordheim: City of the Damned (1999)
1 - Napoleon in Europe (2001)
1 - Piquet: Master Rules for Wargaming (1995)
1 - Rebels and Patriots: Wargaming Rules for North America (2019)
1 - Regimente of Foote (2004)
1 - Rising Sun (2018)
1 - Rivet Wars: Eastern Front (2013)
1 - The Rules With No Name (0)
1 - Saga (2011)
1 - Samurai Battles (2012)
1 - Seven Days to the River Rhine (2019)
1 - Ships of the Line: Trafalgar 1805 (2016)
1 - Space Hulk (third edition) (2009)
1 - Squadron Strike: Traveller (2018)
1 - Star Trek: Ascendancy (2016)
1 - Star Wars: Epic Duels (2002)
1 - The Sword and the Flame (1979)
1 - Tanks: Panther vs Sherman (2016)
1 - Tide of Iron: Next Wave (2014)
1 - Tora! Tora! Tora! (2005)
1 - Trafalgar (1973)
1 - Triumph! Rules for Tabletop Battles Ancient and Medieval (2016)
1 - Viktory (2005)
1 - Volley & Bayonet (1994)
1 - War of Kings (2014)
1 - War Stories: Red Storm (2014)
1 - Warfleets: FTL (2021)
1 - Warhammer (1983)
1 - Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (2018)
1 - Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave (2019)
1 - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Storm of Sigmar (2016)
1 - Warlord (2004)
1 - Warmaster (2000)
1 - Wilderness Wars (2004)
1 - Wings of Glory: WW2 Battle of Britain Starter Set (2017)
1 - Wings of War: Deluxe Set (2007)
1 - Wings of War: WW2 Deluxe set (2009)
1 - World War III: Team Yankee (2019)