February 2024 WGOYT Stats
List refreshed: 2024-06-15 02:35:56 AM ET
Unique Entries: 93
Actual Entries: 96
<summary> Entries: 0
# of Games: 86
# of Users: 46 (3 first time, 6.52 %)
Top Games
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Combat Commander: Europe (2006)
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Cradle of Civilization (2021)
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Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 (2024)
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Napoleon's Wheel (2020)
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Norman Conquests: Men of Iron Volume V (2023)
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Rommel's War (2024)
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Tarawa 1943 (2021)
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Advanced Squad Leader (1985)
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Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #1 (2004)
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Almoravid (2020)
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Anzio (1969)
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Archie's War: The Battle of Guadalcanal (2023)
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Arnhem Bridge (1982)
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Atlantic Chase (2021)
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Axis Empires Final Edition (2022)
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B-17: Queen of the Skies (1981)
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Battle for Moscow (second edition) (2009)
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Battles of the English Civil War: A Solitaire Wargame (2022)
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Bloodstones (2023)
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Bloody Kasserine (1992)
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Burnside Takes Command (2003)
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Caesar: Rome vs. Gaul (2020)
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Campaign for Guadalcanal: Long Lance & Henderson Field (1994)
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Castle Itter (2019)
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Clash of Giants: Civil War (2016)
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Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62 (2017)
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Combat Commander: Pacific (2008)
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Conquest of the Empire (1984)
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Dagger Thrusts: Patton & Montgomery, September 1944 (2005)
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The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 (2021)
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D-Day at Omaha Beach (2009)
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Death in the Trenches: The Great War, 1914-1918 (2005)
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Demyansk Shield: the Frozen Fortress, February-May 1942 (2017)
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Dog Sector (2018)
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Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich, 1942-1945 (2023)
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Elusive Victory: The Air War over the Suez Canal, 1967-1973 (2009)
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Empire of the Sun (2005)
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Global War: World War II Worldwide 1939-1945 (2023)
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Grand Havoc: Perryville 1862 (2023)
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Hapsburg Eclipse (2014)
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Highway to the Reich (third edition) (2008)
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Holland '44: Operation Market-Garden (2017)
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The Hunt (2023)
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Ikusa (1986)
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Imperium (1977)
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Islands of the Damned: Wake Island and Peleliu (2015)
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Iwo Jima: Valor of Arms, 19 Feb. – 25 March 1945 (1983)
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Kernstown (2019)
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La Bataille de Ligny (1991)
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Lanzerath Ridge (2022)
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The Last Hundred Yards Volume 2: Airborne Over Europe (0)
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MBT (2016)
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Millennium: The Era of Invasion (1981)
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Napoleon Against Russia (2015)
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Netherlands East Indies: 1941 to 1942 (2022)
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Nevsky (2019)
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North Africa '41 (2023)
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Objective Havana (2017)
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On to Richmond II: The Union Strikes South (0)
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Patton's First Victory: Tunisia (2010)
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Pax Pamir (Second Edition) (2019)
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Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain (2017)
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People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1981-1986 (2023)
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The People's Choice (2006)
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Poland Defiant (2019)
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Pyrates! (2023)
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Red Strike (2023)
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Rise and Decline of the Third Reich (1974)
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SOE: Lysander (2023)
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Soviet Dawn: Deluxe Edition (2021)
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Stalingrad Pocket (first edition) (1992)
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Stalingrad Roads: Battle on the Edge of the Abyss (0)
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Stalingrad: Advance to the Volga, 1942 (2023)
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Stargard Solstice (2021)
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Starship Catan (2001)
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Stuka Leader (2023)
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Target Arnhem: Across 6 Bridges (2005)
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Third Option: Global Clandestine Operations (2023)
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This War Without an Enemy (2020)
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Tiger Leader (2015)
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Triumph & Tragedy (2015)
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War Chest (2018)
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War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
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Winter's Victory (2024)
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World in Flames (1985)
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World War II: Pacific Theater of Operations (1991)
Top Users
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.